Pregnancy Week By Week
Embark on the incredible and transformative journey of pregnancy with our comprehensive week-by-week guide. From early pregnancy symptoms to the exciting milestones in each trimester, our articles offer valuable insights into fetal development and maternal changes. Stay well-informed and prepared as you gracefully navigate the unique experiences of each week, ensuring a healthy and joyful pregnancy journey.

Congratulations – you’re in your first trimester of pregnancy! Although it may not be known (or visible) to the outside world yet, and you're probably flooded with emotions and questions, know that you're not alone on this transformative and exciting journey. Learn more about what's going on inside you and discover valuable insights for a healthy start on this exciting path. Embrace the changes, prioritize self-care, and seek guidance for a joyful and well-nurtured pregnancy experience.

Your nausea may be slowly subsiding, and you're feeling more energetic - many women consider this trimester the 'best' of the three. Even though you're more visibly pregnant, you're still able to move around (fairly) normally. Doctors visits will increase during this trimester, so get those questions ready for a more engaged and informative healthcare experience ahead! Take advantage of this period to bond with your growing baby, explore prenatal classes, and cherish the excitement of impending parenthood.

As your due date approaches, you'll feel the need to organize and prepare for baby's arrival - often referred to as 'nesting'. Your motherly instincts are already kicking in! It can be a challenging (and uncomfortable) period as your bump continues to grow, but keeping yourself as physically and mentally healthy as possible is crucial for a smoother and more confident transition into motherhood's rewarding journey. Embrace self-care routines, stay connected with your support system, and relish the anticipation of welcoming your precious little one into the world.

Caffeine Tracker
The caffeine tracker can help you assess how much caffeine you might be consuming in your diet.

Due date Calculator
To calculate your baby's estimated date of delivery (EDD), select the year, the month and the date of the first day of your last period.

Weekly pregnancy calendar
Embark on the incredible and transformative journey of pregnancy with our comprehensive week-by-week guide.