Week 26
Trimester 3 of your pregnancy
Since your baby is now almost 36 cm long, you're more likely to feel the full effect of her kicks. You'll notice that she's more active at certain times of the day. With your uterus and baby growing larger, you are now more prone to backaches, pressure in your pelvis, and leg cramps. You might also experience "Braxton Hicks" contractions—mild, cramping contractions that occur irregularly as your body practices for labor.
My Baby in the 26th Week
Your baby continues to fill out, now weighing about 910 g. She'll really be piling on the grams in the weeks to come, since she's only about one-quarter of the way to her birth weight. Her spine is stronger, and all 5 senses are now present and operating. Your baby also has definite sleeping and waking cycles—you may notice that she's more active at certain times of the day. She is able to inhale, exhale, and even cry.