Week 14
Trimester 2 of your pregnancy
As your uterus expands to make room for your baby, the placenta, and increased amniotic fluid, you will start to notice a definite tummy bulge. Now or soon you will need new clothing to fit your growing waist.
You may be more prone to heartburn these days. You may also develop hemorrhoids because of extra blood volume and your growing uterus.
My Baby in the 14th Week
Your baby is now about the size of your fist and weighs about 25 g. Her neck is longer, and her head now sits up from the chest. She is covered in lanugo, a fine downy hair that protects her skin during the next several weeks.
She is also growing hair on her head, along with eyelashes and eyebrows. External genitalia are more developed, making it easier to identify your baby's gender.