Parenting Tips and Articles

Learning, Memory, & Social Development - Connections to Nutrition
Our brain: The ‘subway map’ that transports information to-and-fro, supporting the learning process.
4 mins to read

Ear Care & Hearing
Parents should note if their children's speech is delayed or difficult to understand, have trouble holding their heads steady, or do not respond when called as these are signs of hearing problems.<

6 Skills Your Child Needs for the Future and What You Can Do to Help
The key to raising future-ready children is to encourage them to be well-rounded and emotionally healthy. Expose them to social, musical, physical, visual perception, and language skills.

Health Checkups
During regular check-ups to monitor children's growth, doctors usually evaluate their vision and hearing, discuss their eating habits, and assess their physical and mental development.

Eye Care & Vision
During routine check-ups, the doctor examines your child's eyes to ensure that his or her visual acuity is developing normally.

Potty Training
Observe signs that your toddler is ready for potty learning and start preparing him with the basics. Practise these tips for successful potty training to avoid resistance and prolong training.

What’s your blood sugar number?
Whether you’re thinking about trying for a baby or are already pregnant, managing your risk of getting pregnancy diabetes is important to ensure a healthy and safe pregnancy.

How to protect your baby before conception
Protecting your baby-to-be from problems during pregnancy starts even before conception and this can be supplemented by a balanced diet, active lifestyle, and regular exercise.

9 Ways to Boost Toddler Brain Development And Raise An Exceptional Child
Doing activities together like reading, writing, and singing can help to stimulate your child's curiosity.

Constipated child? Here’s how to help them
Parents should observe their children's bowel movement routine and behaviour to see if they are constipated.

Nutrient Guide for brain development
Parents can introduce various recipes and foods that are rich in DHA and choline to their children. These are vital nutrients that support brain development.

26 ways to settle your baby
When baby won't settle, you can do more than count from 1 to 10 - try 26.
5 mins to read

Using The 5 Senses to Understand Your Child’s Development
Babies are born with all the necessary senses of sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch. However, these senses may need to be stimulated to ensure better motor skills and memory.

Toddler Appetite
As your toddler grows, he or she may get easily distracted at mealtimes.

Episiotomy Care
There are multiple factors that can help ease the pain and the healing process of an episiotomy, including hygiene factors and medication subscribed by the doctor.

Pregnant? Make sure you’re asking your doctor the right questions!
Discuss with your doctor how to balance your diet intake, exercise, perform daily activities, and ensure that your medication and supplements are safe for your pregnancy.

How Dynamic Learning can Redefine your Child’s Education Experience
Balancing static and dynamic learning environments keeps children interested in learning and encourages creativity.

The building block for your child’s brain connections
Getting enough exercise and eating right are essential for children's brain connections. Support your child with sufficient nutrients for healthy brain growth.

How 2'-FL-enriched formula improves your child's immune system
Strengthen your child's immune system with 2'-FL-enriched formula which contains oligosaccharides to balance your child’s gut environment and to stimulate his or her cognitive growth.

Pregnancy Diet - Weight Control
Keep your weight in check throughout pregnancy by staying active and consuming a balanced diet to manage expected weight gain in different stages of pregnancy.

Toddler’s Nutrition
Another way of fulfilling children's nutritional requirements is by introducing them to a wide variety of foods from each of the food groups to ensure sufficient nutrients for growth and developmen

11 Fun Ways To Develop Your Child's Working Memory (Ages 1-7)
Apart from developing your children's working memory by reading, playing, singing, and performing activities together, make sure to give brief and clear instructions for them to understand easily.<

Just had a C-section? These tips will help with your recovery!
For mums that have just had a C-section delivery, getting assistance from your family can help you have a smoother recovery. Learn tips on how to care for your wound and recuperate.

What are the best foods to feed my child?
Healthy eating habits should be instilled from the very beginning as children are more likely to continue this habit.